5 Dating Mistakes That Women Make With Men


5 Dating Mistakes That Women Make With Men

By Michael Webb Great men are hard to find. So when you find one, don't ruin your chances by making these deadlymistakes. Remember, attractive men have dated a lotof women so they know what's going on. The result?They'll disappear before you realize you've done anything wrong. 

Here are 5 things that many women do that blow their chances with their boyfriend, and how to avoid them.

Mistake #1: Sharing your feelings with him too early Men love their freedom and independence ­ no mysteries there! So when you announce that you love him, it often sets off a trigger that you might be one of those "clingy types." Remember that the early stages of dating should always remain casual.

Only after you get to know each other really well should you pursue anything further. It's also worth mentioning that you can't logically convince someone to fall in love with you. Falling in love is a process that happens outside the conscious mind ­ remember that. Which brings me to…

Mistake #2: Trying to push it too far too soon It's natural to wonder about the nature of your relationship, "Does he want more? Or is this just a fling?" But remember, if you start talking about marriage after only 12 months, you could ruin your chances to take things further. And if you don't

live together, cooking dinner or doing his laundry isn't a good idea.  A nice meal once in a while is okay, but don't make it  a regular thing. Yes, it's true, many men are scared of commitment; but just because they don't want it now,  doesn't mean they don't want to settle down. They just need time.

Mistake #3: Being too available You might think this is playing a mind game or being manipulative, but putting your best side forward is also manipulative.  Why? Because it's done to get a desirable outcome.  This is simply a reminder to be who you were before  you met the man and continue to be that person,  rather than use trickery.  Remember that your busy, interesting and fun life only has so much time for him, no matter how much you like him. And remember, men love a challenge, so this actually works in your favor.

Mistake #4: Not being yourself Men love confident women with a strong sense of self-worth. Unfortunately, women often try to guess how the man wants them to act and try to accommodate his mold, which leaves very little room for your own personality to shine. (And yes, men do this too.) In other words, they love her strength. It's very attractive. 

Mistake #5: Appealing to his sexual side too much Believe it or not, it's NOT make-up, dyed hair,  pretty clothes or even nice shoes that attract men, not into a successful long-term relationships anyway! While "looks" is the obvious factor that seems to get an instant response from men, long-term success comes with finding a man who admires and respects you regardless of your exterior. If your man only likes you for your looks, then he doesn't really love you. So there you have it. The 5 big mistakes that women make while they're dating men. Avoid these mistakes and you'll dramatically increase the chances of succeeding with him.

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